APNIC 32 - Destination::IPv6

Transcript - NIR SIG


Due to the difficulties capturing a live speaker's words, it is possible this transcript may contain errors and mistranslations. APNIC accepts no liability for any event or action resulting from the transcripts.

Izumi Okutani: Welcome everyone to NIR SIG.  As you all know, this SIG is about how we exchange information about activities that APNIC and NIRs do related to operations of NIRs.  The main purpose is to exchange information and ways how we can collaborate together in our operations.

Today we have five agenda topics.  The first one would be election of Chair position and Co-chair position.  The actual presentations will be on -- the first is I would like to have some discussions on how we can take a review, take a re-look on how the NIR SIG would be run and we would also have three updates from NIRs -- TWNIC, VNNIC and CNNIC.

First we would like to proceed with the election.

I will pass this on to the Secretariat, to Sunny.

Sunny Chendi: Thanks, Izumi.  Actually, as a current Co-chair, Ji-Young should be running these elections, not the Secretariat.  But upon Ji-Young's request, the APNIC Secretariat is running the elections for the NIR SIG.  But she is present here.  She will be witnessing the elections.

So we have Izumi Okutani and Wendy Zhao, or Wei Zhao.  Their term finished this month in this meeting and we called for nominations.  We sent a first announcement on Thursday, 9 June and then we followed from there, you know, keep reminding the NIR Community of the elections.  The due date was the 26th.  We closed the nominations on the 26th.

Just for your information, the Chair responsibilities include chairing the NIR SIG Session.

As you can see, the Chairs are sitting here chairing the SIG session.  Also, developing the agenda.  You need to be discussing with your community to develop an agenda for this session.  As well as any proposals that get posted or if you post it to the SIG, you need to be encouraging the discussions from the mailing list as well and facilitate both mailing list discussions, as well as the SIG discussions face-to-face at APNIC Conferences.

The Co-chair also has some responsibilities in assisting the Chair or sometimes if the Chair is not present, the Co-chair will take the responsibility of the Chair position and perform the same actions as the Chair.

I won't be going through all the list, but as you can see, it's the same functions as the Chair, just a subset of assisting the Chair.

The election procedures, I'll give the opportunity of two minutes for the candidates to speak for themselves and why they're interested in nominations for NIR SIG and then the elections will be counted by a show of hands.

I request my colleagues from APNIC Secretariat to come up here to take the count.  Would you like anyone nominated?  I see some of the staff here.  I don't want to call anyone's name, but who is going to volunteer to count the show of hands?

George Kuo.  Yes, thank you, George.

So the candidates with the largest number of show of hands is elected, usually.  That's the scenario in the elections.  However, we only have two nominations.  So it makes it very simple for us, counting a show of hands.

Chair nomination, we have the outgoing Chair, Izumi Okutani, we received a nomination for Izumi to stand again for the Chair.  Co-chair, we have Jessica Shen from CNNIC, stepping in in place of Wendy Zhao.  She's outgoing Co-chair of NIR SIG.  So I invite first Izumi Okutani to come and briefly speak about your nomination.

Izumi Okutani: Hello.  My name is Izumi Okutani.  I won't go through the details of my biography, but I have been involved in APNIC forums since year 2000 and am very familiar with how APNIC forum works, as well as NIR itself.

I'm also involved in policy forum within JPNIC as well and I would like to contribute in thinking of ways to have better collaboration between NIR and APNIC in terms of the forum itself and how the operations are run.  As I have put it on the agenda this time of reviewing NIR SIG, I would like to think of ways of reforming NIR SIG in the way that we can have more continual collaboration between NIRs as well, not just within the face-to-face meeting, but have it in a more continual process in between meetings as well.

Thank you.  I hope to have your support.

Sunny Chendi: Thanks, Izumi.  Now I would like to invite Jessica Shen.

Jessica Shen: Good morning, everyone.  My name is Jessica Shen, from CNNIC.  I'm glad to have the chance to volunteer for the NIR Co-chair.  This is completion of IPv4, I have been involved in some IPv6 promotion activities in our community, such as nationwide IPv6 allocation promotion, IPv4 and IPv6 policy suggestions for the government and IPv6 training to our members.

I know there are still much more things we can do.

NIR SIG is a good stage for us.  Izumi and past Chairs and Co-chairs have done a wonderful job of it.  For me, I would like to learn from them and do my contribution to the NIRs, but not only NIRs can make good use of it, to collaborate more to improve the IPv6 transition work in our region.  I would like to get your support.

Thank you.

Sunny Chendi: Thanks, Jessica.  As I said, we only have two nominations.  We can take the show of hands count, but I believe unanimously, they both are elected as Chair and Co-chair.  But if there's any objections or any comments from the floor, I would be happy to hear them.

Does anyone have any comments or anything?

Otherwise, I declare both Izumi Okutani and Jessica Shen as Chair and Co-chair respectively.

I invite Jessica Shen to take the Chair at the head of the table next to Izumi Okutani, please.

Congratulations to both of you.


Sunny Chendi: Especially as Izumi Okutani to be the Chair again and also to Jessica Shen for the Co-chair.

I will pass the mic back to Izumi.

Izumi Okutani: The next on the agenda, I would like to discuss about reviewing of NIR SIG itself.

Just to take a re-look at NIR SIG, how NIR SIGs are run today, this is the charter and as you can see, the focus of the SIG would be to share information related to the operations and policies and procedures of how NIR SIGs are run and have close cooperation between NIRs, as well as between NIRs and APNIC.

As you have know, we have connected an election and we will seek guidelines.

How the sessions are actually run today.  Although we actually do accept proposals as a SIG, since 2005, it's basically focusing on information exchanges between NIRs and we don't really have any issues that needs proposals and some pretty much one-time sharing of information between, like, NIRs.  So each NIR would come up with activities which they think is important within their economies and they share it.

That's of course useful to know what's going on in other NIRs, but it's pretty much like the topics are not focused, so it depends on how NIR would feel and sometimes one NIR would give a presentation about their IPv6 promotional activity, the other NIR might share something about their policy update and things like that.  So we don't really have a system that gives us an overall picture of what each NIR is doing for each topic and we don't really have like a focused topic on what we would like to discuss about.

Just a reference, outside the NIR SIG, how we exchange information between APNIC and NIRs is APNIC Secretariat is organizing APNIC NIR monthly teleconference.  So what APNIC does is call each individual NIR once a month and then we exchange information.

It's really useful in case of JPNIC to know what's going on in APNIC, but at the same time, we don't know what's going on in other NIRs.  So it's more like unilateral information exchange between APNIC and NIRs.

We also have NIR workshop which is exchanging operational information between APNIC and NIRs.  It's only focused on the existing operations and not about general activities or what's going on at NIRs as an organization or we don't really discuss about how we can change the way we collaborate or activities.

So in addition to what we do, I feel that looking at the situation surrounding APNIC and NIRs, we are at the phase that we should take a re-look at our role of Internet registry after the v4 addresses run out.

I think our role would shift from IPv4 based to IPv6, which would have less focus on distribution of address space, but maybe we should shift our priorities as Internet registries that have one answer as just for myself, but maybe focus more on registration and then take a look at better collaboration between routing of address space that's being distributed.

Also, there are some discussions related to the role of not specifically as NIRs, but what a country can do and how can a country be involved in distribution of address space.  So there are new issues rising up like this or maybe there are some roles that's like we can expand beyond the role that we take as registry today, such as outreach and training for v6 deployment and growth Internet registry in maintaining the integrity of routing.

Based on this situation surrounding us today, I was thinking maybe if there is a way where we can take more advantage of the SIG we have today, rather than just giving updates twice a year and just finish there.

Maybe there's room to make the SIG more useful and maybe there are some areas that we can specifically think of ways to have better collaboration between NIRs and APNIC or maybe there's another, like, we can have an additional mechanism in between meetings for continual exchanges of information.

This is just a brainstorming level, so possible areas that maybe we can have more collaboration would be routing integrity, like RQA, RPKI or we can also think of ways of how can we be encouraging the deployment of IPv6 or exchanges technical knowledge that's common to us, like IRR, RPKI, DNSSEC or policy deployment, how we deploy policy that's being passed in APNIC.

For example, the recent case would be transfer policy and how each NIR employs transfer policy or another issue is how we can have policy that allows inter-APNIC and NIR or between NIR transfers, things like that which we have if there's a common topic that we can discuss about.

Also, outreach and trainings for IPv6, we can maybe have collaborative knowledge or share training materials or knowledge on collaboration, knowledge or awareness within our community and also policy forum, situation within each NIR community and how we can have a better collaboration between NIRs policy forum and APNIC's policy forum.  These are just the possible areas that I felt it might be useful if we focus on these specific topics and think of how we can collaborate in these areas.

This is another brainstorming, so how can we do this better in addition to what we do today?  I think the APNIC Secretariat has helped us create Wiki and we have really made full use of this.  So make better use of Wiki and we can casually share information regularly, such as statistics or coming events or any of these materials that maybe you would feel would be useful to share with other NIRs and which may help other NIRs ask questions or ask for information from all the NIRs, not just from one, or extend the current APNIC NIR teleconference which is held once a month to maybe every once in three months or four months, make it like a joint teleconference with all the NIRs and APNIC, so that we can have an overall picture of what's going on in the Internet registry operations in this region.

Maybe the third one is a little bit controversial, because that only involves people related and not open to other people who are not NIRs or APNIC, but have a dedicated mailing list where we know that appropriate point of contact is included as APNIC and each NIR staff.

Thirdly, this is just to ask everybody how you would feel to reform the session itself.  So we have been holding this in a SIG format, but would you feel much more comfortable and easier to exchange information and more casually if we don't call it a SIG and, for example, maybe rename it NIR Forum, so it's more like an extension of the NIR workshop we do today, but then it's open to non-NIRs as well.

Do we really need to have regular elections with Chairs and Co-chairs?  We don't really have much follow-up proposals at this SIG, since the last five years.  So maybe we can make the process less casual and make the SIG a sleeping SIG and we can take turns in chairing, if that would help in creating a more friendly and casual atmosphere to be able to exchange information.

These are some of the things that I thought might help in starting the discussions.  Three points for ideas of discussions.

Do people feel that it would be helpful to have more focus on certain topics of discussions, rather than just have like open-ended sharing of updates?  For example, like a call for topics that would be of interest to be discussed at the SIG and then focus on certain areas.

For example, maybe this time, I don't know what the big issue would be, but maybe better distribution of IPv6 address space within your economies or something like that and then focus discussions on that.

Or add a mechanism to facilitate more information exchanges on a regular basis.  The examples I have given are Wiki or a teleconference.  Maybe you will have any other suggestions that you think you would feel would be good and also reform the session in such a way that I have just mentioned in the slide before, like not call it a SIG and possibly not to have elections and reformat in the way as NIR Forum to focus on information exchanges.

These are the three things that I would like to seek for opinions or any other suggestions you might have.

Jessica Shen: Thank you, Izumi.  Any comments or questions?

Is everyone happy with the way Izumi is proposing?

Jessica Shen: OK.  I think that everyone is comfortable with Izumi's idea.

I would like to hear your opinion, because we have two different ways of running this NIR SIG or NIR Forum.

So I guess some of you are more familiar with the current way of running the NIR SIG without any change and some of you might be happy with Izumi's idea.  So reforming this NIR SIG into a more participating and issue based forum.  I just like to see your opinions.

If anyone is comfortable with the current way of running this NIR SIG, please show your hands.

Izumi Okutani: No need to change anything, then please show your hands.

Maemura Akinori: Thank you very much, Izumi, for your proposal.  Actually, you and I had some discussion.

Yes, I understand what you're proposing right now, but after I heard your presentation, I have some different idea.  I was pretty much for the need to reform the NIR SIG and that was the reason NIR SIG running for several years need to have some reactivation, more and more people to be involved and more and more people present something.

So in that way, I support that proposal.  But anyway, if that reason is valid, I feel I still -- there will be still some, you know, other way, the change in the name is really, really, you know, the changing the appearance doesn't necessarily mean change of the content.  So I think we should focus on changing the content.  I mean, more and more people to present something before the changing.  That's my point.  I do encourage all people here to have your voice heard.

Izumi Okutani: Thank you.

DC Jain: I very much support the idea of NIR Forum and picking the Chair by rotation, as suggested.  This will give an opportunity for all participants to understand it better.

Jessica Shen: We heard several things from the floor, so I would like to check again if there's anyone who strongly objects to this idea.  If anyone is uncomfortable with Izumi's idea, please show your hands.

If not, I'd like to carry on the discussion about what she's proposed from the mailing list.  Maybe we can collect our idea together.  From the next meeting, we will have a new way of discussion for this NIR SIG.

Thank you.

Next, let's welcome TingYun Chi from TWNIC to give us his presentation.

TingYun Chi: Hello, my name is TingYun Chi from TWNIC IPv6 Project.  Today I will show you what we have done in Taiwan's IPv6 Day.  I will do my best to as soon as possible.

This is today's outline, first thing we will do policy of our target for Taiwan's IPv6 Day and what we have done and we also got some information, finally I will make a conclusion.

The first one is a lot of people asking us why we should have Taiwan's IPv6 Day, because we already have international IPv6 Day.  First, we want to promote the IPv6 Day information locally and we also want to link IPv6 community locally.  Not only in our project, but also outside our project.  Maybe some company, maybe some people, they are very interested, they already done something for IPv6.  Also, we want to verify the real deployment status of IPv6 infrastructure.

In Taiwan's IPv6 Day, first thing we built promotion website and we have a lot of IPv6 technological meetings, with our partners and they come from ISPs content providers and some policymakers.  After we almost done IPv6 Day, we have IPv6 Day press conference on IPv6 Day.  We also have some training course to our partner.

This is our commercial website.  You can see it is in Chinese, Taiwan IPv6 Day.  In the website, you can get all of the information we have done in the past several years.  You can find some policy IPv6, you can find what is the international IPv6 Day, you can find some training material, you can find how to get IPv6 connection in Taiwan, you can find how to get maybe IPv6 support in Taiwan and also we have some program, for example.

We hold several IPv6 technological meetings.  We try to share the IPv6 Day information to our partners and we also help them to verify their IPv6 technology, for example, they have some basic service, DNS.  We help them to get commercial IPv6 connection from the ISP.  We also give them the tool maybe some script to verify their website, DNS or other basic service.

We also introduce the user monitoring script to detect the IP potential user on the website.

Finally, there are 16 organizations who join the Taiwan IPv6 Day.  Of course, there are more and more small organizations, but we have 16 big organizations who join Taiwan IPv6 Day.  For the ISP, they come from education network, research network and commercial network.  We also have some come from the content, for example, PChome, Yahoo!, et cetera.

At the IPv6 Day press conference, we invite all of the people, all of them come together to show they would like to promote IPv6 and the most important is all of them promise really to do something on IPv6 Day.

We also have some training course.  We have a program called 100 seeds.  We find a lot of our partners, they don't get well knowledge for IPv6.  Even right now, they don't have any serious IPv6 training course.

So we say, OK, we should have a training course.

The training course is not just taught.  So we have four full days training course.  The first day, we introduce the IPv6 to the others.  We also asking Cisco to to introduce about routing and addressing ... We also have someone from Microsoft that teach the students how to set up a basic server from DNS FTP exchange.  The basic server that the people really want to set up, they really need.

We also have someone from the education computer centre to teach us how to set up all of the basic server in the Linux environment.

All of the on-line course, that means we also have some small testing to guarantee after the training course, when they go back to their company and use the commercial ISP, they can view their IPv6 network in their own company.

There is some information from the IPv6 Day.  In the IPv6 Day, there are more than 400 IPv6 websites join.

They are in Taiwan.  If we check our website, ipv6day.tw, there are around 30,000 clicks on IPv6 Day and around 1,000 people join the lucky draw.

This is the page click.  You can see on IPv6 Day, there is a huge increase.

This is the people when they access our website.

They come from IPv4 or they come from IPv6.  You can see a lot of people come from CHT and some come from education network and it's around 30 people using IPv6 to access our website, if they are interested about our project.

The people, when they're using IPv6 to join the lucky draw, you can see the rate is almost the same.

Most people come from CHT and the second come from the education research network.  This is the IPv6 visitor rate, from around 20 partner websites.  We asking our partners, they should enable their website or their trial website to support the IPv6.  They just put the script provided by us and we can see on Taiwan IPv6 Day, from 0.6 per cent to almost 30 per cent, but they just access our partner's website.  That means they already visiting IPv6.  So maybe they are encouraging our network using the IPv6 on IPv6 Day.

Plus the other country, we also detect IPv6 connection fail rate and this is a connection fail rate and this is the people who give up before IPv6 fallback.

This is another website.  Eventually, 71 per cent of people think IPv6 Day is meaningful, but about 15 per cent of people, they think our ISPs should provide dual stack service, but without dial up and there are 14 per cent of people who think IPv6 is slower than IPv4.

So that is something we already know, but it still happen, 14 per cent of people think the network is slow and we find out routing is not epitomized between ISP and IPv6 backbone bandwidth is not enough and one of the tunnel brokers servers is down and some IPv6 path cannot work well.

Why?  We already know, but it still happen.  Because before IPv6 Day, no one using IPv6.  When people find the problem for IPv6 connection, they don't know who they should report it to.  But for IPv6, because we have the IPv6 program, so they know we will have the IPv6 connection testing.  If they cannot use the IPv6 connection on their ISP, they can report to us.

Let's make the conclusion.  Do we achieve the goal of Taiwan IPv6 Day?  Yes, we succeed to promote IPv6 to the IPv6 community and also we verify we are not good enough for the IPv6 infrastructure, but some information is very exciting, because a lot of enterprise start to thinking or they already do something for the IPv6.

For example, some company already do the migration for IPv6 maybe for one more year.  When they see, OK, we will hold Taiwan's IPv6 Day, they say, OK, we already done it for one year, but we don't know we can get help from you.

Also, some big manufacturer, they say, OK, they would like to migrate, to promote the IPv6 risk.  So they asking for our help and they also encourage the connection provider to provide the commercial IPv6 combination.

What we should do in the following, we will continue trace the deployment status of the IPv6 infrastructure, because we find a lot of companies already got ready, they just asking where I can get the commercial service, because we cannot use your trial service.

Right now, TWNIC try to collate the information, to say, OK, if you want commercial IPv6 connection, you can find the content window for each ISP.  But not only the connection service, also for the IDC, because a lot of our content providers, they cannot deliver the IPv6 trial service on IPv6 Day.  They say because IDC company say, no, we cannot provide the service.

Also, before the IPv6 Day, we suddenly find we don't have IPv6 DNS hosting services in Taiwan.  We have already done several years, but we never notice that.

We also will continue our IPv6 consulting service, but it will be much easier right now.  Because right now, we just go to the company and induce the IPv6 and they say if you want the following commercial service for the connection, you can find someone for the DNS hosting or IDC, you can find someone.  If you want to ... migration plan, you can find a partners or something like that.  That's my presentation.

Thank you.


Jessica Shen: Thank you.  Questions to TingYun Chi?

TingYun Chi: If you don't have any questions, maybe we can talk in coffee break and save time.

Jessica Shen: Thank you.

Our next presentation is from Nguyen Vinh Hoang from VNNIC.

Nguyen Vinh Hoang: Good morning, everyone.  We have information.  We have present status.  We have 94 members at the moment, 51 ISPs and 43 multi-homing organizations.  We have 15.5 million IPv4 address.  We have 32 IPv6 prefix.  We have 3 IP Hostmasters in our Hostmaster team.

Now announce the schedule to allocate IPv4 address in the exhausted period to members, officially change into period of allocation by the last /8 policy on 15 April 2011.

Next slide, this is IPv4 allocation in Vietnam over the years.

Next slide is the major event in 2010 and early 2011.  We have annual member meeting in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City through video conference.  In 2011, members meeting coordinated with the meeting of the IPv6 Task Force to announce the exhaustion of IPv4 address and national plan of IPv6.

With the presentation from Ms Anna of APNIC, set up four IPv6 training course for member and certificate to more than 100 attendants.

VNNIC has officially allocated 4-byte ASN and now has been using by all our members.

In the World IPv6 Day, VNNIC and attended ISPs both successfully deployed basic IPv6 platform based applications, contains websites and DNS system, with very good result.

IPv6 promotion.  Play the role of national Internet registry, VNNIC soon see the importance of promoting awareness and implementation of IPv6 in Vietnam.  Since 2004, VNNIC has planned its promotion of IPv6, including information update, published books and documentation about IPv6 to our members, set up IPv6 training courses for members, give reports and propose IPv6 deployment policies to the Ministry of Information and Communication.

We have set up VNNIC IPv6 network.  We make VNIX available with IPv6 for the members to connect.  We have project to deploy IPv6 in the national DNS infrastructure.

This policy of IPv6 deployment, 6 May 2008, the Minister of Information and Communication has issued directives to promote using IPv6 addresses.  Assigned to the management units and ISPs three basic tasks: to propagate and disseminate awareness about the importance of using IPv6, quickly deploy, use and provide services based on IPv6 and strengthen research and training activities on IPv6.  A milestone in the process IPv6 deployment in Vietnam.

On 6 January 2009, the Minister of Information and Communication has established Vietnam National IPv6 Task Force with the task of research, planning and schedule for implementing the transition of IPv4 to IPv6 in Vietnam.  Most recently, 29 March 2011, the Minister of Information and Communication has issued Vietnam National Action Plan on IPv6 which determines the objectives and specific road map for transition to IPv6 in Vietnam.

Preparation stage from 2011 to 2012.  Make the assessment of the network; forming the national IPv6 test network; implementation of IPv6 test and performed extensive training of human resources.  Vietnamese ISPs shall issue their own IPv6 action plan, follow on national plan on IPv6.

Implementation phase 2013 to 2015, transition from IPv4 networks to simultaneously support IPv4 and IPv6, forming national IPv6 network and provide testing IPv6 services to end users.

Accomplishment phase 2016 to 2019, ensure the stable operation of Internet in Vietnam with IPv6 based technology.

Vietnam National Action Plan on IPv6 -- road map.

IPv6 service in Vietnam national IPv6 testing network.  Email v6, offer IPv6 mail service for members who connect to national IPv6 testing network.

VoIP v6 offer VoIP with IPv6 for members who connect to national IPv6 testing network.  Both soft phone and hard phone are available.

Tunnel broker.  VNNIC offer client and tunnel broker services for community, end user and end site can have international IPv6 connection through IPv6 national IPv6 testing network.  Vietnamese national IPv6 testing network without international native connection.

ISP's attitude towards IPv6 deployment.  VNNIC was disseminated information to address members and the ISPs in countries of World IPv6 Day, which launched in response to World IPv6 Day in Vietnam.  On World IPv6 Day, VNNIC with ISPs in countries such as VNPT, SCTV, NetNam, SPT, QTSC signed up to attend the Internet Society.

The most important benefit of the test is that it not only raised awareness of the need for an alternative to IPv4, but it demonstrated that v6 can run without disrupting existing v4 users.

ISPs attitude towards IPv6 deployment.  Vietnamese ISPs play crucial role in the national transition to IPv6.  The national action plan on IPv6 has assigned specific, clear tasks to Vietnamese ISPs, evaluation of current network and service, building and issue action plan for transition to IPv6 networks and services follow the national action plan, connect to VNIX to form national testing network, construction of IPv6 network infrastructure and provide IPv6 services.  Vietnamese ISP will soon start with IPv6: "Say goodbye to IPv4 and welcome to IPv6!"

Thank you for your attention.


Jessica Shen: Thank you.  Is there any questions or comments?

Maemura Akinori: Thank you very much for your presentation.  I would like to see the graph of IPv4.

I notice that you have very big difference from 2010 to August 2011.  Do you have any reason for that?

Nguyen Vinh Hoang: ...

TingYun Chi: I notice you have a new IPv6 trial service.

How many people using the trial service in your country?

... in Taiwan, also promote new IPv6 service in Taiwan and we also have some companies that provide some cheap ... The final question is maybe we can exchange ... with your trial service has been your new IPv6 user came directly prior to ...

Nguyen Vinh Hoang: ... because we don't have a native connection, just only the national IPv6 testing network in our country.  So that's something cannot try.


Izumi Okutani: Thank you to the communities.  I think these are the kind of things it might be good to be able to continue sharing information like on-line as well and hope we can facilitate these things.

The last speaker would be Terence from CNNIC.  He would be introducing about DNS and registration services.

Terence Zhang: Good morning, everyone.  I'm Terence Zhang from CNNIC.  I would like to have this opportunity to give you an update on CNNIC's activity on DNS and basic resource service.

Basic resource service is what we anticipate the identification and addressing mechanism for the next-generation internet.  It provide service identifier registration and resolving service, which is similar to the DNS services.  This function is what we perceive the important service for the Internet of Things.

Here is the outline of my presentation.  First I will give a summary of the nature of the Internet of Things and then I will give an introduction about our basic resources service for the IOT, and then I will talk about some research activity in CNNIC on basic resources services.

The Internet of Things is the important and main present form of the next-generation internet.  So we need to consider how we can serve the demand of the Internet of Things.

First, we look at the characteristics of IOT.  There are four characteristics we understand.  First, identification, which means the object can be identified uniquely and effectively.  Then information capturing means the object can sense and capture the information on its environment and the event of this close proximity.  Local awareness, that means the object can be identified and located effectively and dynamically.

Intelligence means the information captured by the object can be processed and analysed, in order to perform active control and interaction.

Also, the information can further provide to cloud computing or data mining service to provide more valuable information to the enterprise and the general public.

All those features rely on reliable information transmission network.  The network is required to achieve information sharing and intelligence control, as well as intelligence application.  Currently, the most suitable technology for Internet of Things is IPv6 networking technology.

Here is comparison of the architecture of current Internet and the Internet of Things.  The upper level is the application and the lower level is the fixed code infrastructure.  In the middle, there is basic resources service level which is the important bridge to connect the upper and the lower layer.

In the current Internet, the basic resource service is the IP address and DNS service.  We use IP address to locate and identify a device and we use a domain name to identify and locate an application.

In the Internet of Things, because we have more variety of application and we have more complex physical infrastructure, so the basic resources service has to be more sophisticated.

This is the example of the basic resources service.

The upper layer contains a great variety of applications and the basic resources space provides the function of address identification, registration, querying, monitoring and tracing.

Use the function provided by the basic resources service.  The application level can provide a lot of service to different business requirement.

I just give a summary of the nature of the Internet of Things and then I will talk about the basic resource services for the Internet of Things.

Basic resources service is the foundation of the next-generation internet.  It is the Internet based service and logical infrastructure and it's the central nerve system of the Internet.  It is an important indicator of the Internet applications and it is the critical infrastructure for the next-generation Internet.

After analyse the characteristic of IOT communication and the similarity of the architecture of the IOT and the current Internet, we disband the DNS service to the basic resources service.  Generally speaking, the DNS service provider mapping from a domain name to an IP address and the basic resources mapping will provide mapping from a symbol or a URL or an IP address or a bar code ID, something like that.

Let's talk about the basic requirement for the basic resources service in IOT.  First is the efficiency, because the amount of objects to be interconnected will be huge.  The frequency the object move will be very high and the frequency of update and query, today's DNS connectability means the system has to support multiple code standards and security, because a lot of Internet of Things applications such as smart homes, have high demand for reliability, integrity, confidentiality and credibility.  So the security requirement is even higher than today's Internet services.

This is the architecture of our basic resources service platform.  It is similar to today's DNS system.

Any user can use a symbol, like a URL or a bar code, to visit the related IOT services.  Of course, they can still use the IPv6 address directly.  The platform to support different standards, such as one-dimension bar code, two-dimension bar code and RFID.

The basic resources service platform provide the function of registration, resolving query, as well as location services.

This model is too complicated.  I won't talk about it in detail.  Just like with this basic resources service, it provide the essential function of the identification and addressing services, such as registration, identification, query and response and resolving services, accounting service, access control, authentication.  This is the essential service for the application of the Internet of Things.

So with this basic resources service, the network provider can focus more on their network deployment and the application developer can focus more on the value as service development, so everyone can focus more on their expertise and bring the application or service to the user more easily.

This is some scenario.  I have mentioned this in the previous slides.  This creates a thing, that you can identify things and locate the objects with different identification standard and also the system will have tracing or discovering services and contain a lot of information about those objects, its location, its physical distribution and also maybe some relation between those objects which can provide valuable information to the enterprise, as well as the general public.

This is an image of the trial system.  It is in Chinese, but you can see it's similar to the Whois system.  It's just identifier can be not only IP address or domain name, it can be also bar code or RFID or different code standard.

Then I will go through some of the research activity in CNNIC about basic resources service.

We are a member of the EPC global RFID working group and we have an e-science project in China's Qinghai Lake.  We place some chips in the migratory birds and use the chips to identify and check its movement and provide some statistics information about the habit or the movement of those migratory birds, in order to achieve some automatic management of the migratory birds.

We joined the sensor network standard working group and CCSA TC10, focused on the standard for sensor identity resolving.

There was Internet of Things application base in China's Guangdong Province.  We participate in some of the projects there, focus on the basic resources services.  Five applications in the base, we adopt CNNIC's basic resourcing service, which includes smart home, video surveillance or something like that.

We participate in the CCSA TC10 project.  CCSA is the Chinese Communication Standards Association.  We participate in the project of ubiquitous network identification solution and addressing system and we also working on some domestic standards on RFIK identification and service network specifications, something like that.

We participate in the IETF Working Group, focus on lower power consumption on IPv6 devices, 6 lowpan and we also participate in the IRTF, which is research task force inside IETF.  We focusing on the research on Internet of Things.

Here is what we perceive the key technologies for basic resources service.  The first key technology will be the IPv6 low power consumption, because most of the smart object contain maybe a computer, so the normal addressing and routing function may be too heavy for them to handle.  Low power consumption is a key technology.  We are doing research on packet compression, lightweight IPv6 protocol stack and lower power routing.

The second key technology is IPv6 based identification, which we think is the essential function for the Internet of Things communication.  We are doing research on heterogenous network identity mapping, interoperability and unified management.  We are also doing research on the possibility of carrying multi-dimensional attributes information with IPv6 addresses.

The major difference between a IPv6 address and a IPv4 address is LAN.  128-bit long address, we believe we cannot only uniquely identify a device, we can also carry some valuable information inside the address, which will make the address more operation friendly.

The information we think we can try to embed in the address are like the network information, such as the topology, location, service type, customer type, V-LAN number and IPv4 address, just as 6rd is doing, and also we can embed some user information about the device, such as the MAC address, the phone number, the IMEI code, something like that.

With this information, we believe the engineer can recognise and remember the address more easily, which make the daily work of change and config easier.  So that will improve operation efficiency.

Of course, we cannot include all those information in the address, but I believe we can find a balance between address consumption and effective identification.

That's why we suggest a relative generous allocation policy, so the RIR can get relatively large IPv6 address space, so they can adopt effective identification in IPv6 address.

If anyone in this room have input or research in this area, I'm looking forward to having communication and cooperation.  Thank you.


Izumi Okutani: Thank you, Terence.  That's a very interesting approach on a new type of service that we can do in addition to address management.

Do you have any questions or comments on CNNIC's research?  Is this a research or are you actually providing as a test service?

Terence Zhang: It's mainly a research activity, but we do have some actual trial service, like the project in Guangdong Province, the Internet of Things application base and the Qinghai Lake, we have IP embed in the birds and then tracking its movement and provide some statistic information.  Also like some standard consensus inside China, something like that.

Izumi Okutani: Any questions from the floor?

Unidentified speaker: I have a comment.  Thank you for a very interesting topic.  We have once a year something called Internet week ... I would like to have some question after ...

Terence Zhang: You are welcome to do that.  Yeah, as I say, everyone in this room have interest.  I'm looking forward to more communication and, hopefully, cooperation.

Izumi Okutani: Just to confirm, like, if there are any other NIRs interested to join this research or project together, is it possible to join or, like, is it more like individually you do it and it would be nice to exchange information?

Terence Zhang: Yeah, I think everyone is welcome to join research, discuss it and I hope that if you want to know more information about our trial services, yeah, I can try to get the information.

Izumi Okutani: That's wonderful.  So if anyone is interested, please contact Terence.

As I discussed, we are hoping to have some form to be able to continually exchange information outside the meeting as well, so maybe we can prepare a topic or material on Wiki or something like that, so people can ask questions or gather whatever information.

Thank you very much.

Do any of you have any questions about the overall session?

I guess not.  So thank you very much for all the speakers and also for your participation.

Key Info


Paradise Hotel,
Busan, South Korea


28 August -
1 September 2011

Program included:

AMM, Policy SIG, IPv6 plenary, APOPS

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